Gender and Feminism

Zimbabwe is mired by social and economic challenges which are exposing vulnerabilities and deepening pre-existing inequalities. Women struggle to overcome the tentacles of a patriarchal society that prevent them from participating in socio-economic and political spaces. The political and economic context is highly premised on power dynamics that have left women out of key spaces thereby hugely affecting the attainment of substantive gender equality.

Young women represent a legitimate and crucial voice in today’s conversations about social justice and democracy at all levels of society. Promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment remain one of the most pressing challenges of inclusive growth and sustainable development. Empowering young women as economic, political and social actors pushes institutions to be more inclusive, representative, fairer and bridges inequality.

Our Work

FES Zimbabwe tackles gender injustice in all its forms through supporting and strengthening feminist actors and movements to demand space and a voice for women in the public discourse. We ignite critical conversations that seek to transform power relations and tackle oppressive systems that impede women participation in politics and the economy. We also work with our partners to ensure gender justice remains at the core of all our work, mainstreaming and framing feminist perspective in programs and activities.


Zimbabwe Office

P.O. Box 4720
ZW Belgravia / Harare


+263 08677007575

FES Africa Department

Contact in Germany

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